TORONTO ON, May 2020. CAN PAY BILLS INC., initiated a SEND A MERIENDA MEAL to health care workers, in cooperation with FV CARES. The send a meal drive was to appreciate health care workers who are in the frontline protecting the general public on this COVID19 pandemic. CANPAYBILLS, a bills payment service solutions provider, and FV CARES initiated the collaboration last April 29 2020.

MON SOLIS, of CANPAYBILLS and MEL GALEON, of FV CARES finalizes delivery of SEND A MERIENDA MEAL to hospitals in Greater Toronto Area last April 29 2020.
The SEND A MERIENDA MEAL to Health Care front line workers
The campaign raised $1,425.00 from generous donors and delivered food items to Mackenzie Health Hospital, St. Michael’s Hospital, Humber River Hospital, Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, North York General Hospital, Scarborough General Hospital and Markham Stouffville Hospital. A total of 1,370 food items were delivered to more than 550 health care workers and to 13 various Units of the hospitals.

North York General Hospital – ICU TEAM
How the SEND A MERIENDA MEAL started
The SEND A MERIENDA MEAL began with CAN PAY BILLS providing meals to a COVID Unit at Mackenzie Health Hospital. The move of delivering a meal was an appreciation to health care front line workers who have step up to the COVID19 pandemic at the hospital.

Mackenzie Health Hospital ICU Team receiving the SEND A MERIENDA MEAL.
The delivery of meals did not end at Mackenzie Health Hospital. Mon Solis of CANPAYBILLS decided to reach out to friends who wishes to show their appreciation by sending a meal. The SEND A MERIENDA MEAL came about.
Mon Solis presented the campaign to Mel Galeon of FV Foods and the collaboration between CANPAYBILLS and FV CARES began. CANPAYBILLS solicited donors for the purchase of meals and FV CARES matches the number of meals and deliver them for free.

Markham Stouffville Hospital – OPS and Critical Care Unit
There were 40 Donors, and 13 Units from various hospitals received meals from this campaign. A total of 1,370 food items were delivered. The campaign started last April 29 2020 and ended in May 14 2020 with its last delivery.