CANPAYBILLS INC, the authorized bayad center for SSS contribution and loan payments conducted an Information Clinic at two Filipino establishments last May 11 and 12 2024. "We are happy that Filipinos came to this event, and satisfying that we have made SSS reachable to our kababayans" said by Mon Solis, Founder and Bills Payment Specialist of CANPAYBILLS INC.

Laila Harrow - SSS representative answering inquiries from Kababayans at Kapitbahay Restaurant, in Scarborough last May 11 2024. A total of 23 came to update their SSS records.

Lucille Simbol - SSS Toronto Officer recorded 27 kababayans who updated their SSS account, during the Information Clinic, at Dalisay Filipino Food in Thornhill, Ontario last May 12 2024.